中國石化新聞網訊 據普氏能源資訊5月15日新加坡報道,中國國家統計局周二發(fā)布的初步統計數據顯示,中國4月份的煉油廠原油加工量同比增加了11.5%至4958萬噸或1211萬桶/天。
李峻 編譯自 普氏能源資訊
Apr crude throughput up 12% on year, down from record high in Mar
China's refinery crude throughput rose 11.5% year on year to 49.58 million mt in April, or an average of 12.11 million b/d, preliminary data from the National Bureau of Statistics released Tuesday showed.
However, April crude throughput was down 3.8% from the record high of 51.51 million mt recorded in March, and edged down 0.5% month on month on a barrel per day basis, according to S&P Global Platts calculations based on NBS data.
Over January-April, total refinery crude throughput across China was up 9.1% year on year at 199.12 million mt, or 12.16 million b/d, NBS data showed.
Meanwhile, China's crude oil production in April fell 2.3% year on year to 15.51 million mt, or an average of 3.79 million b/d.
Over January-April, crude output was down 2.1% year on year at 62.25 million mt, averaging 3.8 million b/d, Platts calculations based on NBS data showed.